Friday, January 7, 2011

Pizza For Dinner!

After spending 5 hours trying to reformat Burning Daylight to suit Amazon. I decided, heck, treat city.  I will talk to you about the pizza but I'm sure you are so hanging on my every word about the formatting.

I have no idea what went wrong.  I stripped the formatting a numbers of times--hence the 5 hours.  I was looking at the non printing characters.  It looked fine in Word DOC (not docX) and yet when I uploaded it, the emulator always had no indents.  The simplest thing for me to do was to comb back thru it a final time after accepting there would be no indents, I could at least add a space between the paragraphs.  More Smashwordsish than normal Kindle but I can't solve it better than that today.  Sometime when I'm hankering for a project, I'll try again.

Pizza.  This is so easy but you do have to be somewhat prepared.  Actually it's going to sound so difficult....

The dough is terrific and can be used for pizza or bread or rolls.  You can make bialys out of it.  This is from Richard Bertinet and he's a very nice man so I recommend highly his books Dough and Crust both of which I have and loved and wrote him to tell him so and he wrote back.

You really need a scale.  Or try to do some math but weighing is always better in the kitchen--sorry about that.
I cut this in 1/2 but you do what you need to do.

18 oz bread flour
11 oz warm water
2 teaspoons yeast
2 teaspoons salt

You can add 2 oz of semolina flour which gives it a nice nutty taste but if you don't have that, no problem.  Just remember you're aiming at 18 oz.  Not 20.  Throw that into your mixer which is heresy because Richard wants you to do this by hand but come on, I don't have the time and I hate the mess.  It's a sticky dough.  Refrain from adding more flour.  Seriously.  Let it mix away until the flour absorbs the liquid.  It will.  No there is no sugar and no oil in the recipe.  Don't think I'm making a mistake.  Mix mix mix until it's smooth and not so sticky.  Put in a floured bowl--I know he goes against everything you ever did with bread, but trust me this will convert you.  Let rise until doubled OR here comes some more heresy.  Use the microwave as a proofing box.    Put the dough in a heat proof glass bowl, cover with a towel, insert a cup measure full of water into the microwave.  Heat on low for 40 seconds.  Don't open the door for 7 min.  Turn bowl.  Heat on low again for 40 seconds.  Wait 7 minutes.  Okay, you just sped-proofed the dough.  Note:  If you were really making bread, you'd want to remove the dough, shape it, put it in baking pans or whatever and go thru a 2nd rise.  But pizza dough isn't bread.

Take some dough, (not all of it, be sensible!) spread it out thin, best on some parchment paper if you don't have a baking stone.  Top with your choice of toppings.  Bake at the highest temp your oven will get to until done.  Should be 10-14 min.


You'll thank me for this.

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