Monday, January 31, 2011

The Perpetual Crisis Or Why We Can Never Just Be In A Good Mood

I think this has something to do with writing but it has more to do with life. 

People like drugs.  They like alcohol.  They like anything that stimulates them and there's nothing that stimulates like a burst of adrenaline that you get when you're in a big freaking crisis.  So for a lot of people--and too many of them are journalists, nattering nabobs of negativity and stupid (and I mean stupid like the pol who was worried about Guam tipping over if too many people stood on the shore) politicians

--the stage isn't their stage if they're not braying about doom.  We are force-fed a diet of crisis.  Nothing is ever good, nothing is ever right either in the world at large or our world at small.

I'm not going to change your mind if you're addicted to emergency living.  However, I will try to help.  If you look for the good, however small it may seem to be, *your* outlook will improve.  Is there anything more important about how comfortable you are in your life?  Don't you want inner peace?  Do you really want to be upset all the time?  This is getting in the way of solving our problems.

On that note, I have plenty of problems to solve today before the huge snowstorm tomoro or whenever. 

Think good it will be good.

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